We provide support in structuring anew and reorganising private and public radiology centres, also with the use of telemedicine.Tesla Medical Solutions is the ideal partner for medical facilities to assess their efficiency and optimise performance improvement. Organisation, personnel recruitment and planning are the cornerstones of our business. We are specialised in providing full support, even remotely, with an efficient teleradiology reporting service. brochure
About us
Company profile and mission
Professionals at the service of healthcare to achieve a high-quality standard.Tesla Medical Solutions results from discussions with healthcare and administrative executives which revealed the difficulty of implementing a planning process necessary to provide an efficient service that benefited the end customer, the patient. Healthcare facilities often find it difficult to reorganise work and change the way things are organised. With medical specialists co-assisted by lawyers, economists and tax consultants, Tesla Medical Solutions identifies critical management issues and plans their resolution to improved performance with internal management.
Organisational Model
We also help companies achieve better performance by supporting the reorganisation and implementation of their workforce to achieve a double success, which involves economic and environmental stability. The Tesla Medical Solutions services comply with evaluation and intervention protocols based on indexes that are exogenous and endogenous to the company, and developed by professionals with different specialisations who cooperate in respect of their professionalism wherever they work.
Transparency and efficiency towards public and private medical facilities that use our professionals or our telereferral service.
Freedom of time management and clear economic conditions for medical staff. Our partners’ time and well-being are a priority.
Legal, tax, insurance and logistics support for all our doctors: complete management of the entire organisation comes alongside providing professional medical service.
Code of ethics and conduct
Since 2019, Tesla Medical Solutions (“TMS” or the “Company”) has been committed throughout the country, working alongside healthcare facilities and all those involved in the world of health and healthcare assistance, to produce and provide high-quality medical technologies and services in the interest of patient safety and well-being.
TMS is aware that it operates in a particularly sensitive and vital sector, the health sector, and feels the responsibility to contribute to the protection of a primary good, the health of citizens, and, therefore, to the improvement of the health system and the development of civil society TMS’s relations with internal and external collaborators, pubic administration, health professionals, customers and suppliers are based on absolute respect for the law.
This code of Ethics and Conduct (the “Code”) specifies the guidelines of conduct with which the Company’s staff and all those who work for it are required to comply.